Computer Applications in Architectural Conservation (1990)

article⁄Computer Applications in Architectural Conservation (1990)
abstract⁄The Center for Architectural Conservation, College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, is considered to be one of the leading exponents of computeraided databases for the management of buildings of historical merit in the U.S. Through their involvement with the National Parks Service and other clients in North America, the Center has developed considerable expertise in the creation of computerized fabric and condition survey methods, and in the compilation of databases for components and materials used in the rehabilitation and conservation arena. In addition, exploratory research is currently being undertaken in the development of ’expert systems’ in the area of building diagnostics. This paper gives a brief historical background of the Center for Architectural Conservation, comments on the early establishment of the Center, and reviews the application of an expert system in the area of window diagnostic.
Year 1990
Authors Gilleard, J.D.; Myers, J.; Olatidoye, O.A.
Issue From Research to Practice
Pages 187-199
Library link J. Peter Jordan, 1990. bib⁄From Research to Practice. ACADIA.
Entry filename computer-applications-architectural-conservation