Computational Fluid Dynamics in Building Design Practice (2020)

article⁄Computational Fluid Dynamics in Building Design Practice (2020)
abstract⁄This paper provides a stateoftheart of computational fluid dynamics CFD in the building industry. Two methods were used to find this new knowledge a series of interviews with leading architecture, engineering, and software professionals and a series of tests in which CFD software was evaluated using comparable criteria. The paper reports findings in technology, workflows, projects, current unmet needs, and future directions. In buildings, airflow is fundamental for heating and cooling, as well as occupant comfort and productivity. Despite its importance, the design of airflow systems is outside the realm of much of architectural design practice but with advances in digital tools, it is now possible for architects to integrate air flow into their building design workflows Peters and Peters 2018. As Chen 2009 states, ‘In order to regulate the indoor air parameters, it is essential to have suitable tools to predict ventilation performance in buildings.’ By enabling scientific data to be conveyed in a visual process that provides useful analytical information to designers Hartog and Koutamanis 2000, computer performance simulations have opened up new territories for design ‘by introducing environments in which we can manipulate and observe’ Kaijima et al. 2013. Beyond comfort and productivity, in recent months it has emerged that air flow may also be a matter of life and death. With the current global pandemic of SARSCoV2, it is indoor environments where infections most often happen Qian et al. 2020. To design architecture in a postCOVID19 environment will require an indepth understanding of how air flows through space.
Year 2020
Authors Nguyen, John; Peters, Brady.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers
Pages 574-583.
Library link N/A
Entry filename computational-fluid-dynamics-building-design-practice