Collaborative Design in Virtual Space - GreenSpace II: A Shared Environment for Architectural Design Review (1996)

article⁄Collaborative Design in Virtual Space - GreenSpace II: A Shared Environment for Architectural Design Review (1996)
abstract⁄Design reviews and discussions are fundamental to the process of design. The ability to digitally represent three dimensional space in realtime is a new and potentially persuasive method for reviewing and analyzing a design proposal. The development of realtime rendering engines and network protocols supporting distributed interaction makes possible the idea of a shared virtual environment for architectural collaboration. This paper presents a system which facilitates the review of an architectural design between multiple participants who are remotely distributed.
Year 1996
Authors Davidson, James; Campbell, Dace.
Issue Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy
Pages 165-179
Library link Patricia McIntosh & Filiz Ozel, 1996. bib⁄Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy. ACADIA.
Entry filename collaborative-design-virtual-space-greenspace-ii