Coding and Modelling Communication in Architectural Collaborative Design (1999)

article⁄Coding and Modelling Communication in Architectural Collaborative Design (1999)
abstract⁄Although there has been some research done on collaborative facetoface FTF and videoconferencing sessions involving architects, little is know about the effects these different mediums have on collaborative design in general and collaborative communication and design representation in particular. In this paper we argue that successful computermediated collaborative design CMCD does not necessarily mean emulating close proximity environments. In order to investigate this view, we carried out experiments examining the effect and significance of different communication channels in collaborative sessions between architects. The experiments were conducted in different environments and classified into three categories. The first category is FTF. The second computer mediated collaborative design sessions with full communication channels CMCDa. The third category was conducted also through computer mediated collaborative design sessions but with limited communication channels CMCDb. A custom coding scheme is developed using data, external and theoretically derived coding categories as a base. Examples of how the proposed coding scheme works are given from all three categories of experiments. The coding scheme provides the basis for modeling and understanding communication in collaborative design.
Year 1999
Authors Gabriel, Gerard Cesar; Maher, Mary Lou.
Issue Media and Design Process
Pages 152-166
Library link N/A
Entry filename coding-modelling-communication-architectural-collaborative-design