Code, Context, and Perception: Matrix Architecture and the Architect Weaver (2009)

article⁄Code, Context, and Perception: Matrix Architecture and the Architect Weaver (2009)
abstract⁄Recent technological leaps in data production and computation have afforded both architects and scientists an extraordinary ability to generate information and complex form. Rather than deal in the composition of wholes, architects specializing in generative and parametric design strategiesmore formally known as design computationhave adopted a bottomup approach to the negotiation of constraints within the design process. This renewed interest in complexity has offered alternative methods for investigating the interrelationships of parts to their wholes, and emergent selforganized pattern systems at multiple scales and applications. The contemporary architecture avantgarde has provided many examples that showcase the proven power such digital tools afford the designer, inspiring and leading to the generation of beautiful form. But what are our next steps in addressing complexity How should architects with expertise in design computation situate themselves in larger design dialogues concerning pressing topics such as those concerning our environment Biology provides useful systemsbased models for architects to study to understand how context specifies form, function, and structure.
keywords⁄design systemsbiologycomplexityself-organized systems2009
Year 2009
Authors Sabin, Jenny.
Issue ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow
Pages 52-57
Library link N/A
Entry filename code-context-perception