A Cell-Inspired Model of Configuration (2015)

article⁄A Cell-Inspired Model of Configuration (2015)
abstract⁄This paper presents a bottomup approach to organising architecturalspace, which offers a fresh outlook on the automatic generation of architectural layouts. Artificial creatures, modelled on Eukaryotic cells, are used as components with which to generate configurations articulating patterns of habitation. These components represent discrete activities. Activity is perceived to be the basic building block of spatial configuration in architecture. Attributes, pertaining to input and outputs, establish activities as occurring in chains of action affected by that which has preceded and affecting that which is to transpire. Being artificial creatures these activitycomponents have the capacity to interact with their environment and each other, and selforganise to form aggregations. The model demonstrates an ecological approach to designing in a manner that unites computational design with biological and semiotic theory. The theoretical basis of the model is first outlined, and then the computer model is presented and described.
keywords⁄agentsartificial lifeconfigurationspatial organisationbehaviour of organismsactivity diagrams2015
Year 2015
Authors Ireland, Tim.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 137-148
Library link N/A
Entry filename cell-inspired-model-configuration