Case Studies in Architectural CADD Education (1986)

article⁄Case Studies in Architectural CADD Education (1986)
abstract⁄Stages in the formation of concepts necessary for mastery can be observed in cognitive development in many different areas of study. These stages seem to follow a particular hierarchy common to most learners. Distinct levels can be recognized by patterns of procedural errors. The remediation of errors can then take the form of building a conceptual framework rather than training in procedural patterns. This has been found to be highly efficient for learners at all stages since it can be aimed at the underlying problem area and not at isolated errors which may change frequently. It was felt, that concept development of architects learning to use computeraided drawing programs would show such levels. Preliminary studies made at the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory upon selected subjects using computeraided lessons in AutoCAD as a basis for observations reveal several categories of errors in using computeraided design. These case studies show that the design process can be enhanced by automated drawing and design tools if the conceptual relationships are established as a part of the learning environment. Even more important, the observations show that architects have particular characteristics which differ from engineers and other CAD users. These differences require that education and software be tailored to their needs.
Year 1986
Authors Smith Shaw, Doris.
Issue ACADIA Workshop ‘86 Proceedings
Pages 157-172
Library link James A. Turner, 1986. bib⁄Architectural Education, Research and Practice in the Next Decade. ACADIA.
Entry filename case-studies-architectural-cadd-education