Case For an Architectural Singularity: Synchronization of Robotically Actuated Motion, Sense-Based Interaction and Computational Interface (2014)

article⁄Case For an Architectural Singularity: Synchronization of Robotically Actuated Motion, Sense-Based Interaction and Computational Interface (2014)
abstract⁄By fusing sensing technology, robotics and coding in unison with architectural form designed to move and reconfigure itself, a new kind of architecture that goes through a formal transformation in interaction with the user can be imagined and devised. Aiming to merge human presence with space through technology, this new architecture defines space as an extension of the human body and consciousness rather than one that regulates and controls it.
keywords⁄sensing technologyroboticsconsciousness2014
Year 2014
Authors Ozel, Guvenc.
Issue ACADIA 14: Design Agency
Pages 399-408
Library link N/A
Entry filename case-architectural-singularity