Casa Covida (2020)

article⁄Casa Covida (2020)
abstract⁄Casa Covida advances large scale earthen additive manufacturing by establishing new methods for the creation of interconnected, partially enclosed dome structures using a lightweight SCARA robotic arm and custom toolpathing software in combination with traditional earthen construction techniques. In the time of Covid19, digital fabrication and construction are made difficult by a diminished supply chain and the safety concerns associated with a large team. In this project, we use local material, dug from the site itself, and twothree people working outdoors in a socially distanced manner. Three rooms are printed onsite in 500mm intervals by shifting the 3D printer between stations connected by a lowcost 4thaxis constructed from plywood. This system allows virtually simultaneous construction between domes, continuously printing without waiting for drying time on one structure so that a continued cycle of printing can proceed through the three stations 24 times a day, thereby minimizing machine downtime. The machine control software used in this project has been developed from the framework of Potterware, a tool built by our team to allow nontechnical users to design and 3D print functional ceramics through an interactive web interface.
Year 2020
Authors Rael, Ronald; San Fratello, Virginia; Curth, Alexander; Arja, Logman.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume II: Projects
Pages 214-219
Library link N/A
Entry filename casa-covida