Caress of the Gaze: A Gaze Actuated 3D Printed Body Architecture (2016)

article⁄Caress of the Gaze: A Gaze Actuated 3D Printed Body Architecture (2016)
abstract⁄This paper describes the design process behind Caress of the Gaze, a project that represents a new approach to the design of a gazeactuated, 3D printed body architectureas a form of protoarchitectural studyproviding a framework for an interactive dynamic design. The design process engages with three main issues. Firstly, it aims to look at form or geometry as a means of controlling material behavior by exploring the tectonic properties of multimaterial 3D printing technologies. Secondly, it addresses novel actuation systems by using Shape Memory Alloy SMA in order to achieve lifelike behavior. Thirdly, it explores the possibility of engaging with interactive systems by investigating how our clothing could interact with other people as a primary interface, using visionbased eyegaze tracking technologies. In so doing, this paper describes a radically alternative approach not only to the production of garments but also to the ways we interact with the world around us. Therefore, the paper addresses the emerging field of shapechanging 3D printed structures and interactive systems that bridge the worlds of robotics, architecture, technology, and design.
keywords⁄eye-gaze trackinginteractive design3d printingsmart materialprogrammable matterembedded responsiveness2016
Year 2016
Authors Farahi, Behnaz.
Issue ACADIA 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines
Pages 352-361
Library link N/A
Entry filename caress-gaze-gaze-actuated-3d-printed