Calligraphies of Disturbances (2020)

article⁄Calligraphies of Disturbances (2020)
abstract⁄The project explores disturbances through the lens of landscape and architecture. The disturbance is a concept used in ecology to describe changes in environmental conditions that cause changes in the ecosystem. The project recognizes disturbances as a constant state of landscape and architecture. It examines ways in which this concept can generate an architectural and landscape idea through ecological thinking and computational tools. The project explores a toxic landscape the coal mining in the vicinity of Prishtina. It transforms it into an open seed bank and a site of ecological research that studies changes in ecological patterns in a constantly disturbed site. The resulting constructed ecology is not only a remediation site but an experimental data landscape as well, that investigates the interaction between toxic agentshyperobjects and ecological patterns on site considering geology, hydrogeology, hydrography, topography, climate conditions, and vegetation as interconnected and inseparable layers of the site. As such, it renders our interrelationship with nonhuman agents visible. The project explores new methodologies and representation for territorial design in the contemporary environment. In particular, disturbances are related to the new calligraphy of the world, a new drawing, and a new geography.
Year 2020
Authors Dinarama, Erze.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume II: Projects
Pages 232-235
Library link N/A
Entry filename calligraphies-disturbances