Calibrating Agencies in a Territoy of Instrumentality (2014)

article⁄Calibrating Agencies in a Territoy of Instrumentality (2014)
abstract⁄Exhibited is an interactive landscape player and public outreach tool for robotically sand modeled and vacuum formed designs for dust control mitigation landscapes for the Owens Lake in Lone Pine, California. This system engages users and stakeholders with the tools and products of a digitally augmented rapid landscape prototyping machine built to create agency for multiple values in the design of dust control infrastructure for the dry lake.
keywords⁄robotics and autonomous design systemssimulation + intuitionmaterial logics and tectonicsmultidisciplinary design optimizationuser participation in designvirtual-augmented reality and interactive environments2014
Year 2014
Authors Robinson, Alexander.
Issue ACADIA 14: Design Agency
Pages 143-146
Library link N/A
Entry filename calibrating-agencies-territoy-instrumentality