CAD and the Baroque (1990)

article⁄CAD and the Baroque (1990)
abstract⁄After a review of various methods of teaching computer aided design in schools of architecture, including ’the conventional wisdom of CAD’, an approach is presented whereby the application of this ‘wisdom’ is taught by creating very complex drawings of Baroque elevations. A description is given of how such drawings may be structured and of how a group of students may work on such drawings simultaneously to complete them expeditiously. An extension of this method of teaching architectural CAD is discussed wherein students would not only draw but would also design detailed elevations and plans of villas in the Palladian manner using recently developed computer aids to assist in the design.
Year 1990
Authors Seebohm, Thomas.
Issue From Research to Practice
Pages 79-97
Library link J. Peter Jordan, 1990. bib⁄From Research to Practice. ACADIA.
Entry filename cad-baroque