CAAD Usage: Now and When At OSU (1987)

article⁄CAAD Usage: Now and When At OSU (1987)
abstract⁄In February of this year the Department of Architecture at The Ohio State University began a study to determine existing and longterm needs and expectations regarding the use of computers in teaching, research, administration, and service. The results of the study are to aid in two broad planning objectives 1 facility, hardware, and software acquisition and 2 curriculum enhancement, faculty and staff development, and support services i.e., consultants, lab monitors, etc..An interview technique was developed to address three main concerns 1 how computers are and should be utilized in areasi.e., research, course preparation, lecture delivery, computeraided instruction, grading and monitoring, and student exercises 2 what kinds of applications are and should be utilizedi.e., word processing, statistics, graphics, drafting, modeling, audiovisual, database, etc. and 3 what problems or concerns stand in the way of achieving the desired levels of computer usage.The twentythree fulltime faculty surveyed 96 participation represent 65 curriculum courses varying in format from design studio and labs to lecture. This paper outlines the methods of the study and presents the findings via graphs of current and desired computer usage by both area and application along with a graphic summary of statistics and trends. Also presented are a summary of root problems and concerns noted during the interview process and conclusions and limitations of study.
Year 1987
Authors Van Wyk, Skip.
Issue Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum
Pages 121-134
Library link Barbara-Jo Novitski, 1987. bib⁄Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum. ACADIA.
Entry filename caad-usage-now-when-osu