CAAD: The Interactive Effect in Technical Education (1985)

article⁄CAAD: The Interactive Effect in Technical Education (1985)
abstract⁄The factors that determine the value of CAAD tools in technical education are investigated. Pedagogical theory on problem solving is reviewed, and its relationship to the design process as described by Mitchell is discussed. The goals of design practice and design education are compared. Consideration of the nature of the architectural design process and the impact of CAAD leads to the conclusion that cognitive skills, as defined by Gagne, are of increasing importance. PreCAAD approaches to technical instruction are discussed. The opportunities represented by CAAD in terms of more relevant, effective, and rewarding learning experiences are noted. Features that make CAAD tools effective for instruction are considered, and the need for specialized instructional software is pointed out. Additional benefits of CAAD usage, including greater effectiveness of instructional staff and substitution for laboratory hardware are noted.
Year 1985
Authors Love, James A.
Issue ACADIA Workshop ‘85
Pages 1-12
Library link Patricia G. Macintosh, 1985. bib⁄ACADIA Workshop '85. ACADIA.
Entry filename caad-interactive-effect-technical-education