Building Representation within a Component Based Paradigm (1990)

article⁄Building Representation within a Component Based Paradigm (1990)
abstract⁄This paper questions the use of a 2dimensional medium to convey 3dimensional information about design intent and proposes a computeraided paradigm that could radically alter the way in which buildings are designed and built. The paradigm is centered about the accurate and rational representation Rush, 86 of each individual component that makes up a building in a single, shared, computer based model. The single model approach couples the accurate physical representation of components with the accurate representation of technical information and knowledge about the assemblies of building components. It is anticipated that implementation of this approach will result in fewer communication problems that currently plague the fragmented process of practicing in the professions of architecture and engineering. The paper introduces the basic concepts within the paradigm and focuses on the development of intuitive, reasoning about the componentbased design suitable for incorporation in a computeraided setting.
Year 1990
Authors Harfmann, Anton; Chen, Stuart S.
Issue From Research to Practice
Pages 117-127
Library link J. Peter Jordan, 1990. bib⁄From Research to Practice. ACADIA.
Entry filename building-representation-within-component-based-paradigm