Building Information Modeling: Interactive Versioning Experiment (2006)

article⁄Building Information Modeling: Interactive Versioning Experiment (2006)
abstract⁄Interactive Versioning, is the first experiment of an ongoing investigation into the conceptual role of parametric modeling in the design process. In this case, the form is defined by constrained floorplate relationships. Originally testing methods using numerical values exported to excel, we obtained undesirable results and shifted our focus to the creation of an interactive model restoring the direct influence of user input. The result is a 10floor structure that allows the user to tweak point locations along the slab perimeters that in turn have global effect on the overall geometry of the architectural body. We are using four point definition types reference above, interactive reference, reference below, and independent value. Interactive reference points use referential constraints defined as x and y distances from the global origin, which change on account of user inputs. Reference above points pull x,y values from an interactive point above. Reference below points pull x,y values from interactive points below. Independent points are unaffected by changes in any of the other points but may also be tweaked to adjust a form. On any given level, there are 2 interactive reference points, 2 reference above points, 2 reference below points, and 4 independent points. Additionally, 2 length constraints link interactive points with reference above points on the same level. This allows for changes to affect the entire structure rather than only the floor plates immediately above and below a given change. The addition of constraints to the floor outlines will yield a variety of formal results and offer the possibility to further control the output.
Year 2006
Authors Diewald, J.; Frederick, M.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 540-541
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename building-information-modeling