Building A Computer Aid for Teaching Architectural Design Concepts (1995)

article⁄Building A Computer Aid for Teaching Architectural Design Concepts (1995)
abstract⁄Building an aid for teaching architectural design concepts is the process of elaborating topics, defining problems and suggesting to the students strategies for solving those problems. I believe students in Environment and Behavior EB courses at Georgia Tech can benefit greatly from a computer based educational tool designed to provide them with experiences they currently do not possess. In particular, little time in the course outside lectures is devoted to applying concepts taught in the course to the studio projects. The tool I am proposing provides students with an opportunity to critique architectural environments both simple examples and previous projects using a single concept, ‘affordances’. This paper describes my current progress toward realizing the goal of designing a tool that will help the students to understand particular concepts and to integrate them into their designs. It is my claim that an integrative and interactive approach creating a learning environment and making both the students and the environment mutually supportive is fundamentally more powerful than traditional educational methods.
Year 1995
Authors Ataman, Osman.
Issue Computing in Design - Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas
Pages 187-208
Library link ACADIA, 1995. bib⁄Computing in Design: Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas. ACADIA.
Entry filename building-computer-aid-teaching-architectural-design