Bio-Inspired Lamellar Structures (2019)

article⁄Bio-Inspired Lamellar Structures (2019)
abstract⁄Gaining rigidity and strength from malleable and flexible parts is the key challenge in the emerging field of bendingactive structures. The goal of this construction approach is to use the large elastic deformations of planar elements for the building of complex curved structures. Aiming to contribute to this research and to make new discoveries, the authors of this paper will look at nature for inspiration and explore how structures in the plant kingdom successfully combine high flexibility with high resilience. The focus of this study are the structural principles found in fibrous cactus skeletons. Not only do the cactus skeletons show impressive structural behavior, but also their optimized form, fiber orientation, and material distribution can inspire the further development of bendingactive structures. Learning from these models, the authors will present key cactusinspired design principles and test their practical feasibility in a prototypical installation made from millimeterthin strips of carbon fiber reinforced polymers CFRP. Similar to the biological role model, this 6metertall lamellar structure takes advantage of clever crossbracing strategies that significantly increase stability and improve resilience. The authors explain in more detail the underlying design and construction methods and discuss the possible impact this research may have on the further development of bendingactive structures.
Year 2019
Authors Yavaribajestani, Yasaman; Schleicher, Simon.
Pages 122-129
Library link N/A
Entry filename bio-inspired-lamellar-structures