Behavioral Design and Adaptive Robotic Fabrication of a Fiber Composite Compression Shell with Pneumatic Formwork (2015)

article⁄Behavioral Design and Adaptive Robotic Fabrication of a Fiber Composite Compression Shell with Pneumatic Formwork (2015)
abstract⁄This paper presents the production and development of an adaptive robotically fabricated ber composite compression shell with pneumatic formwork as a case study for investigating a generative behavioral design model and an adaptive, online mode of production. The project builds off of previous research at the University of Stuttgart on lightweight ber composite structures which attempts to reduce the necessary formwork for fabrication while simultaneously incorporating structural, material and fabrication logics into an integrative computational design tool. This paper discusses the design development and fabrication work ow of the project, as well a set of strategies which were developed for online robotic programming in response to live sensor data.
keywords⁄behavioral fabricationbehavioral roboticsagent based computationonline controlbiomimeticspneumaticssignal processingfibre based composites2015
Year 2015
Authors Vasey, Lauren; Baharlou, Ehsan; Dorstelmann, Moritz; Koslowski, Valentin; Prado, Marshall; Schieber, Gundula; Menges, Achim; Knippers, Jan.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 297-309
Library link N/A
Entry filename behavioral-design-adaptive-robotic-fabrication-fiber