Balancing Design and Performance in Building Retrofitting: A Case Study Based on Parametric Modeling (2008)

article⁄Balancing Design and Performance in Building Retrofitting: A Case Study Based on Parametric Modeling (2008)
abstract⁄Retrofitting the existing building stock will become one of the key fields of action for architects in the future. Due to the raised awareness of CO2 emissions related to the energy consumption of buildings, architects have to increasingly consider parameters influencing the energy performance of their retrofit designs. This is a complex task especially in the early design stages as multiple dependencies between building form, construction and technical systems influence overall energy performance. The inability to cope with this complexity often leads to simple solutions such as the application of massive insulation on the outside, neglecting aesthetic expression and design flexibility. Digital models storing multidisciplinary building information make it possible to include performance parameters throughout the architectural design process. In addition to the geometric parameters constituting the form, semantic and topological parameters define building element properties and their dependencies. This offers an integrated view of the building. We present a case study utilizing mulitparametric facade elements within a building information model for an integrated design approach. The case study is based on a retrofit project of a multifamily house with very poor energy performance. Within a design workshop a parametric building model was used for the development of the designs. An integrated analysis tool allowed an immediate performance assessment without importing or exporting building data. The students were able to freely define geometric and performance parameters to develop their design solution. Balancing between formal expression and energy performance lead to integrated design sketches, resulting in surprising solutions for the given design task.
Year 2008
Authors Schlueter, Arno; Thesseling, Frank.
Issue Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation,
Pages 214-221
Library link N/A
Entry filename balancing-design-performance-building-retrofitting