Autonomous Botanist: the Poetic Potentials of a New Robotic Species (2015)

article⁄Autonomous Botanist: the Poetic Potentials of a New Robotic Species (2015)
abstract⁄This project begins by asking questions about ethics and empathy towards robots, and contemplates the future of their behavior in ways not informed by pragmatics or economy. What if a robot had a hobby How do robots make aesthetic decisions What is a robot’s point of view It seeks to shift perception of robotic agency and allow the audience to embody the robotic gardeners’ vision, behavior and influence its aesthetics. By amplifying perceptual differences between humans and robots and we allow for both tangible and virtual embodiment experiences from multiple scales and perspectives.
keywords⁄non-anthropocentric aestheticsspeculative realismroboticssynthetic ecologies2015
Year 2015
Authors Koltick, Nicole.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 333-341
Library link N/A
Entry filename autonomous-botanist