Audio and Video Drawings Mapping Temporality (2006)

article⁄Audio and Video Drawings Mapping Temporality (2006)
abstract⁄In my work and the work of my students, the audiovideo camera has been employed as a medium with which to combine the various characteristics that make up place. It has been important to be both immersed as well as removed, to be both realistic and abstract, to be picturesque and analytical. In addition, we have experimented with the merging of two vocabularies that of architectural drawing and that of moving image as a way to rediscover both vocabularies and as a way to achieve readings of place that are both qualitative and quantitative. In this essay, various mappings and notations of cities done through the exploitation of the audiovideo camera as a mapping medium will be introduced.
Year 2006
Authors Skinner, Martha.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 178-189
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename audio-video-drawings-mapping-temporality