Asynchronous Architecture (1993)

article⁄Asynchronous Architecture (1993)
abstract⁄Computer culture creates new demands on the process of making architecture. Both academia and practice are undergoing rapid changes due to the impact of information technology, and one of the most significant phenomena which has resulted from this transformation is collaborative design in a networked environment. Many researchers in the field have focused their efforts on minimizing or eliminating an apparent shortcoming of networked collaboration, namely the difficulty of immediate interaction between participants Maher, Gero and Sand, 1993. In an ongoing experiment in collaborative design we have taken a different approach. Instead of trying to work in a synchronous environment, we have taken the asynchronous nature of networked collaboration to be one of the important features of this ethereal medium, a feature whose consequences need to be explored.
Year 1993
Authors Wojtowicz, Jerzy; Papazian, Pegor; Fargas, Josep; Davidson, James; Cheng, Nancy.
Issue Education and Practice: The Critical Interface
Pages 107-117
Library link ACADIA, 1993. bib⁄Education and Practice: The Critical Interface. ACADIA.
Entry filename asynchronous-architecture