The ASU Strategic Plan For Computing Support (1988)

article⁄The ASU Strategic Plan For Computing Support (1988)
abstract⁄Our College has spent approximately one hundred thousand dollars per year on computing over the last five years. This paper, which developed out of a Universitywide strategic planning exercise, speaks to the question What are we getting for all that moneyThe background to this large planning exercise is sketched, the goals of our computing support plan are stated, the strategies aimed at achieving these goals are explained, and the observed outcomes from implementing these strategies are listed.In evaluating the plan, this paper argues the position that a computer culture must take hold within the College before computeraided design will have a truly profound effect upon pedagogy. Operationally, this means that every faculty member must have a personal computer and that every student must have free access to a microcomputer facility. Only then does the whole College adopt the new culture.The fiscal commitment is high, but there are payoffs in of fice automation that justify the investment even in the shortterm. Trivial as it seems, wordprocessing is the first step in seeding this culture. These short term payoffs help make the case for investing in the promise of longterm payoffs in superior design through computer aids.
Year 1988
Authors McIntosh, John F.
Issue Computing in Design Education
Pages 301-310
Library link Pamela J. Bancroft, 1988. bib⁄Computing In Design Education. ACADIA.
Entry filename asu-strategic-plan-computing-support