Aspects of Tenochtitlan: Nature of CD-ROM Production in the Construction of Content (1997)

article⁄Aspects of Tenochtitlan: Nature of CD-ROM Production in the Construction of Content (1997)
abstract⁄At the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Aztec capital,Tenochtitlan, was one of the world’s largest cities. By 1521, theSpaniards under Hernan Cortes had destroyed both the Empireand the city. Tenochtitlan was razed to its foundations and MexicoCity was built on top of it Matos, 1993. This paper discusses the process for developing digitalinterpretations of the Teocalli or Ceremonial Precinct ofTenochtitlan based on historical, iconographical, andarchaeological materials. To this end, digital models wereconstructed by taking into consideration Aztecarchaeoastronomical principles and measuring systems. The result is an interactive view of the CeremonialPrecinct, perhaps the most comprehensive since Tenochtitlan was destroyed more than 500 years ago. Thisproject has been recently published on CDROM.
Year 1997
Authors Rivera, Antonieta; Wojtowicz, Jerzy.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 319-327
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename aspects-tenochtitlan