Argumentative Agents as Catalysts of Collaboration in Design (1996)

article⁄Argumentative Agents as Catalysts of Collaboration in Design (1996)
abstract⁄Since the 1970s we have created hypertext systems supporting Rittel’s argumentative approach to design. Our efforts aim at improving design by encouraging argumentativei.e., reasoneddiscourse during projects. Despite the intrinsically grouporiented character of the argumentative approach, all of our past prototypes were singleuser systems. The project reported on here is the first in which we aim at supporting argumentation in group projects. To do this, we augmented our PHIDIAS hyperCAD system to shows how argumentative agents can initiate and sustain productive collaboration in design. These agents catalyze collaboration among designers working at different times andor places by 1 detecting overlaps in the concerns of different participants in a design process, including conflict and support relationships, 2 notifying these people of these overlapping concerns, and 3 enabling asynchronous communication among these people to deal collaboratively with the overlaps. We call these agents argumentative because they represent different personal and professional viewpoints in design and because they promote argumentative discourse among designers about various issues. In addition to identifying and dealing with crucial problems of coordination and collaboration, argumentative agents enable the capture of important design rationale in the form of communication among project participants about these crucial problems.
Year 1996
Authors McCall, Raymond; Johnson, Erik.
Issue Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy
Pages 155-163
Library link Patricia McIntosh & Filiz Ozel, 1996. bib⁄Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy. ACADIA.
Entry filename argumentative-agents-catalysts-collaboration-design