The Argument for the Argument Revisiting the Architecture Machine (2006)

article⁄The Argument for the Argument Revisiting the Architecture Machine (2006)
abstract⁄The argument for the argument, that is, the defense of the computable quantity, has had a profound impact on the contemporary understanding of design practice. In this paper, I explore the history of the architecturalcomputational ‘argument’ to uncover a generally accepted yet poorly understood collusion between architectural and urban theory, structuralist semantics, and computation. From arguments about the machine to the mechanics of language, and from the language of architecture to the architecture machine, the argument for the argument has radically transformed contemporary design practices, but neither the history nor the theory behind these developments has been critically examined. My own argument seeks to build upon this nexus a hypothetical construct a poststructuralist computer as a provocation of sorts a challenge to contemporary computational work in architecture to critically and philosophically address its current trajectories.
Year 2006
Authors Lonsway, Brian.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 356-371
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename argument-argument-revisiting-architecture-machine