Architecture in Digital Space: Actual and Potential Markets (1995)

article⁄Architecture in Digital Space: Actual and Potential Markets (1995)
abstract⁄As both the skepticism and ‘hype’ surrounding electronic environments vanish under the weight of ever increasing power, knowledge, and use of information technologies, the architectural profession must prepare for significant expansion of its professional services.To address the issue, this paper offers a survey of the professional services architects and designers do and may provide in digital space, and who the potential clients are. The survey was conducted by interviews with software developers, gaming companies, programmers, investigators, practicing architects, faculty, etc. It also included reviews of actual software products and literary research of conference proceedings, journals, books and newspapers i.e. articles, classified ads, etc..The actual and potential markets include gaming and entertainment developments, art installations, educational applications, and research. These markets provide architects the opportunity to participate in the design of 3D gaming environments, educational software, architecture for public experience and entertainment, data representation, cyberspace and virtual reality studies, and other digital services which will be required for this new world.We will demonstrate that although the rapidly growing digital market may be seen by some to be nonarchitectural and thus irrelevant to our profession, it actually represents great opportunities for growth and development. Digital environments will not replace the built environment as a major architectural market, but they will significantly complement it, thus strengthening the entire architectural profession.
Year 1995
Authors Bermudez, Julio; King, Kevin.
Issue Computing in Design - Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas
Pages 405-423
Library link ACADIA, 1995. bib⁄Computing in Design: Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas. ACADIA.
Entry filename architecture-digital-space