Architectural Space Synthesizer - The last link of a CAAD system (1986)

article⁄Architectural Space Synthesizer - The last link of a CAAD system (1986)
abstract⁄Computer technology and CAD are about to change radically the thousands of years of tradition of the architect’s work. We are leaving behind the old method of drawing by hand, replacing the pencil with a stylus for pointing elements of mathematical models of projects. We are changing over from two dimensional to three dimensional design. Decisive for the architect to achieve a successful outcome has always been and will always be the visualisation of the project right from its early stages. There is a trend in our time and a risk in the. new technology of fragmenting our work and making it more abstract. The new technology is based on the old one and in the beginning its user still has the habits of the old. Therefore the visualisation in present CAD systems and three dimensional design is based on the old plane projections axonometrics and perspectives. However, there is an essentially better way which happens also to be natural to the new technology and simple to realize using it. This is the spherical projection.
Year 1986
Authors Paasi, Jyrki.
Issue ACADIA Workshop ‘86 Proceedings
Pages 217-223
Library link James A. Turner, 1986. bib⁄Architectural Education, Research and Practice in the Next Decade. ACADIA.
Entry filename architectural-space-synthesizer-last-link-caad