Architectural Heat Maps: A Workflow for Synthesizing Data (2016)

article⁄Architectural Heat Maps: A Workflow for Synthesizing Data (2016)
abstract⁄Over the last 5 years, largescale ‘data dumps’ of architectural production have been made available online through projectspecific websites mainly competitions and architectural aggregationdissemination sites like Architizer, Suckerpunch, and Archinect. This reinforces the broader context of Ubiquitous Simultaneity, in which large amounts of data are continuously updated and easily accessed through a dizzying array of mobile devices. This condition is being exploited by sports leagues and financial speculators through the development of tools that collect, visualize, and analyze historical data for the purpose of producing speculative predictive simulations that could lead to strategies for enhanced performance. We explore the development of a workflow for deploying computer vision, SIFT algorithms, image aggregation, and heteromorphic deformation as a design strategy. These techniques have all been developed separately for various applications and here we combine them in such a way as to allow for the embedding of the historical and speculative artifacts of architectural production into newly formed threedimensional architectural bodies. This work builds on past research, which resulted in a more twodimensional imagebased mapping and translation process found in existing imaging protocols for projects like Google Earth, and transitions towards the production of datarich formal assemblies. Outliers and concentrations of visual data are exploited as a means to encourage innovation within the production of architecture.
keywords⁄historical and speculative datagenerative designcomputer visionubiquitous simultaneitysensate systems2016
Year 2016
Authors Johnson, Jason S.; Parker, Matthew.
Issue ACADIA 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines
Pages 34-33
Library link N/A
Entry filename architectural-heat-maps