An Application of Geometric Modeling and Ray Tracing to the Visual and Acoustical Analysis of a Municipal Open-Air Auditorium (1990)

article⁄An Application of Geometric Modeling and Ray Tracing to the Visual and Acoustical Analysis of a Municipal Open-Air Auditorium (1990)
abstract⁄Thee APRL of The University of Michigan was recently contracted to develop geometric models of a large openair auditorium on the Detroit River to facilitate computer aided visual and acoustical analysis. This paper is a summary of the approaches taken to construct solid and surface models of the auditorium, and to develop general software for acoustical simulation.
Year 1990
Authors Turner, James A.; Hall, Theodore.
Issue From Research to Practice
Pages 173-185
Library link J. Peter Jordan, 1990. bib⁄From Research to Practice. ACADIA.
Entry filename application-geometric-modeling-ray-tracing-to