The Anthropometric Measurement and Modeling Project 2002 (2002)

article⁄The Anthropometric Measurement and Modeling Project 2002 (2002)
abstract⁄This paper describes a project that has been ongoing since 2000 and consists of the followingactivities,AC specification of Digital Human Models DHM for the visualization of people seated in wheelchairs,,AC extension of commercial off the shelf COTS software to enable the development of dynamicvisualizations of ‘data that makes data’ , and,AC subsequent construction of digital visualizations that are useful to designers in the creation ofartifacts and environments for human use.We have developed a process of ‘data that makes data’ which allows the visualization of any potentialor hypothetical physical interface between a human and an environment or artifact.Preliminary validation is provided by comparison with findings of other researchers. This work clearlysuggests a need for designoriented software that contains robust ‘dynamic’ digital human modelscapable of creating visualization for any arbitrary context.
Year 2002
Authors Miller, J.J.; Wang, W.; Jenkins, G.
Issue Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual
Pages 389-393
Library link George Proctor, 2002. bib⁄Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual. ACADIA.
Entry filename anthropometric-measurement-modeling-project-2002