Anisoptera; Anisopteran Deformation and the Latent Geometric Patterns of Wood Envelopes (2015)

article⁄Anisoptera; Anisopteran Deformation and the Latent Geometric Patterns of Wood Envelopes (2015)
abstract⁄Advancements in technologies provide Architects, today, with the means to expose new expressive forms using traditional materials. It is therefore possible to design dynamic actuating systems, where several different expressions, or differentiations inherent in the same material, are able to modify its topology and enhance its properties. Wood, traditionally used in construction, is given static expression during its life cycle, where an alignment, or assembly detail, helps retain its original shape. This research outlines the integration of specific and individual anatomical information of wood during the design process. It aids in utilizing the analyzed biological variability and natural irregularities of wood within a materialbased architecture, in view of developing a lightweight, and lightfiltering dynamic skin. Additionally, the research helps to explore an understanding of the differentiated material composition of wood as its major capacity, rather than its deficiency. Moreover, it analyzes form, material, and structure, as complex interrelations that are embedded in, and explored through an integral design process that seeks to employ typically disregarded, highly differentiated flat materials, in view of enhancing their latent dimensional deformation potential. The main focus of this research is to explore that latent geometric deformation of emerging patterns based on an array of heterogeneous wood veneers in relation to their Hygroscopic and Anisotropic properties. These properties are expressed through a set of flat skins and Mobius arrangements, articulating complex geometric ranges that reveal additional properties, such as bendability and flexibility.
keywords⁄shape-shiftinggeometric patternsanisotropichygroscopicopen systemsbuilding envelope2015
Year 2015
Authors Chaaraoui, Rizkallah; Askarinejad, Ali.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 47-56
Library link N/A
Entry filename anisoptera-anisopteran-deformation-latent-geometric-patterns