Ancient Structures and Modern Analysis: Investigating Damage and Reconstruction at Pompeii (1997)

article⁄Ancient Structures and Modern Analysis: Investigating Damage and Reconstruction at Pompeii (1997)
abstract⁄The paper describes the application of nonlinear structural analysis methods to addressarchaeological questions concerning the reconstruction of the ancient city of Pompeii after amajor earthquake that occurred seventeen years prior to the famous eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in79 AD. It presents preliminary findings in an effort to develop an approach to modeling thetwoway outofplane behavior of unreinforced masonry walls, including comparison studieswith published analytic and experimental results for oneway loaded walls, plus a trial analysisfor a twoway span condition. The approach requires the application of computationallyintensive nonlinear analysis techniques, since the linear analysis methods used inconventional design and education are inadequate to model the behavior of unreinforcedmasonry. Developing an understanding of the twoway behavior of unreinforced masonry hasimplications not only for archaeological investigation of ancient structures, but also for modernrenovation of historic structures.
Year 1997
Authors Martini, Kirk.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 283-293
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename ancient-structures-modern-analysis