Am I? Architecture of Ambient Intelligence (2007)

article⁄Am I? Architecture of Ambient Intelligence (2007)
abstract⁄In its purest state, Ambient Intelligence is smart computing whose presence is not apparent to the human senses except in response and actions. The original intentions and origins of Ambient Intelligence began with the need for more efficient and unobtrusive management of our everyday activities. Synonymous with ubiquitous computing, Ambient Intelligence, or AmI, consists of UbiComp the integration of microchips and computers into everyday objects UbiComm the ability of these objects to communicate with each other and the user and Intelligent User Interface which allows inhabitants of the environment to interact with the system with human gestures Riva 2005. Put together, these components are basically personifi ed computers. The key factor in Ambient Intelligent communities is that the microscopic computers are aware of their surroundings and their purpose just as human beings are. With the ability to selfprogram and react to new software, they eliminate the need for humans to program them, decreasing maintenance and programming time. These concepts and technologies raise important questions. What happens when the system disappears Are we ready as a society to see a certain degree of power taken away from us by anticipatory computers This short paper will provide an overview of AmI and why it is important for architects to embrace, explore, and engage this emerging technology.
Year 2007
Authors Oatman, Devin; Senagala, Mahesh.
Issue Expanding Bodies: Art Cities Environment
Pages 158-163
Library link Brian Lilley & Philip Beesley, 2007. bib⁄Expanding Bodies: Art - Cities - Environment. Riverside Architectural Press and Tuns Press.
Entry filename am-i-architecture-ambient-intelligence