The Aggregate of Continuum (2006)

article⁄The Aggregate of Continuum (2006)
abstract⁄The Traversable Matrix Fig. 1. illustrates the iterative fragments that comprise the continuum of exploration for a digital aesthetic and digital tectonic. These nonhierarchical fragments operate as footholds across a larger tessellated landscape of current digital design explorations. In seeking an organizational strategy, we attempt to move laterally across a variety of examples, texts, and illustrations. Each short excerpt is a partial architecture illustrating deeper issues in the current discussion of digital fabrication. Though counter to conventional academic inquiry, the associative approach can help frame the matrix the synthetic landscape traversed becomes less linear, less framed but no less interconnected and cohesive. The patterning of complex geometries, the production of ornament, the leveraging of digital fabrication against standard forms of material and construction practices, and the acute emphasis on surface all serve as the aggregate to a broader spectrum of architectural thinking and architectural making.Introduction The Traversable Matrix
Year 2006
Authors Bell, Bradley.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 440-454
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename aggregate-continuum