Agents Of Risk: Embedding Resistance In Architectural Production (2004)

article⁄Agents Of Risk: Embedding Resistance In Architectural Production (2004)
abstract⁄In its most common usage, the term fabrication calls to mind industry and production. For architecture, fabrication and industry have been defining aspects of modern practice. While dependant on the dimensional and temporal standards of industry, modernists were preoccupied with the limitations imposed by the generic restrictions of mass production. When we make, instead of predetermining action, we discover a map of engagement. We play by challenging and resisting material. It in turn, reveals an intentional resistance that provokes yet another challenge, and on and on and on. In fact, craft excels in the lessthanideal situations. When challenged by aberrant materials, geometry and craft are forced into innovative discovery a knot of reaction wood within an otherwise homogeneous surface would force a novel adaptation of geometry generated by the imperfection. How, then, do we integrate the indeterminate cycle of craft and invention into a design process transformed by tools entirely reliant on prediction and the virtual and real homogeneity of materials Is it reasonable to introduce an element of risk into the realm of digital fabrication equivalent to the autogenerative sabotage of Signwave’s Auto Illustrator This paper reflects on the nature of material craft in the realm of digital fabrication. It will look both at the history and the contemporary opportunity of generative art and automata and their subversive yet essential relationship to the making of architecture.
Year 2004
Authors Harrop, Patrick.
Issue Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture
Pages 66-75
Library link Philip Beesley, Nancy Yen-Wen Cheng & R. Shane Williamson, 2004. bib⁄Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture. University of Waterloo School of Architecture Press.
Entry filename agents-risk-embedding-resistance-architectural-production