Digital Curricula: Effective Integration of Digital Courses. Stitched-spaces and Digital Permutations (2003)

article⁄Digital Curricula: Effective Integration of Digital Courses. Stitched-spaces and Digital Permutations (2003)
abstract⁄If, ’the purpose of art is to awaken reality’ as Paul Klee writes, what then, is the generative purpose of the digital as it relates to architecture By uniting the traditional ways of knowing with the more contemporary and technologically advanced ways of knowing, the architect then would be able to develop the capacity to visualize and to understand unseen spatial relationships and exploit their latent characteristics. The computer consequently allows a direct synthesis to occur between the original idea and its formal application, in a sense providing new questions to old answers.
Year 2003
Authors Luhan, Gregory.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 128-129
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename 2003-digital-curricula-b