Habib Ayeb, born in Tunisia, is a social geographer, researcher and Associate Professor at the University Paris 8 in Saint Denis (France) since 1992. His domains of researches are: Competitions over resources, including water and land, in rural and agricultural areas, Poverty and marginalization dynamics and processes, Social changes, resistances and uprisings (Arab spring), Development, Environment and Climate changes, Food sovereignty… He is, currently, conducting comparative researches mainly in Egypt and Tunisia.
He has worked in several different institutions including the Ministry of Agriculture in Tunisia, the University of Paris 8-St Denis, CEDEJ (Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Juridiques et Sociales), IRD (Institute of Research for Development) and from 2006 till now the SRC (Social Research Center).
Habib Ayeb, is member of various institutions and networks. Among them:
- Ecole Doctorale Sciences Sociales “Milieux, Cultures et Sociétés du Passé et du Présent”. Paris Ouest-Nanterre University (Phd Supervisor)
- Laboratoire Mosaïques, UMR LAVUE (ex-GECKO). : Paris Ouest-Nanterre University. France.
- The International Advisory Board of The Journal of Peasant Studies
- The Rural Network Thimar.
Filmography: Habib Ayeb is also a filmmaker. Among his documentary films:
- “Gabes Labess” - (January 2014)
- “Fellahin” (co-directed with Ray Bush) - (December 2014).
- “Green Mirages” (Co-directed with Nadia Kamel) – (December 2012)